Saturday, April 16, 2011

Personal Learning Style

I believe I am a visual and kinesthetic learner. The attributes of these two groups help me to learn. Physical activity is my life, I am a physical education teacher. So, moving and learning are two of the way that help me to learn. The strategy that works best for me as a learner is a process we call tell, show, do. First, tell what to do, then show what to do, then have the students do it. This process allows me to practice what the correct technique is and correct the errors. I also like to figure out how to do things on my own. However, I need to have some type of guidance to get me started. I have enjoyed figuring out how to use all of the new tools in this class, but for me, it would not have happened without the guidance of the class. Tell me, show me examples, and let me do it is how I learn best.
The strategy that has had the least amount of success is the lecture-recall. I have a hard time focusing on a lecture. For me to understand the lecture and stay with it, it needs something more. The PowerPoint's are helpful, they add some technology that spruces up the presentation, but it still needs more. That is the big question though. How to educators get across the information to students who all like to take in the information in different ways?
The conclusion I have come to is to have a range of strategies and use them at various times. this may sound simple and the idea of it is. However, it requires more effort, organization and focus on those strategies and what the preferred outcome of the lessons are. I will become comfortable with the strategies so  that the transition between their uses is smooth and unnoticeable. This is when the organization skill comes into the preparation effort. Next, I need to keep track of how many times I use each technique, making sure that I do not primarily use the one I favor. And, I need to focus on the manner in which I use them so that i am using them correctly and the most beneficial to as many students as possible. additionally, this will prevent me from being predictably boring.

1 comment:

  1. I imagine you have many students too! Figuring out their learning style takes a while. Creating a short survey for them to take might be helpful. I think good teachers figure it out quickly too. This is not new stuff, but now we are more aware and are making a concerted effort to meet everyone's needs.

    Myself, I like to try it and then learn it. I need to see the big picture first on my own and then learn the pieces. I watched the Nelson Mandela movie Invictus last week and am still trying to figure out rugby. I don't think I will be trying that out myself though. Doesn't look like my cup of tea!
